
Showing posts from September, 2022

What is Marketing? The Definition of Marketing

Marketing is not just one single strategy, but rather a combination of many different techniques and tactics. Below we've listed some essential marketing strategies that you should know about. Click on the red links to learn more about each of these strategies. During decline, demand for a good begins to taper off, and the firm may opt to discontinue the manufacture of the product. This is so, if revenue for the product comes from efficiency savings in production, over actual sales of a good/service. However, if a product services a niche market, or is complementary to another product, it may continue the manufacture of the product, despite a low level of sales/revenue being accrued. Several authors stress the hybrid nature of the fourth P, mentioning the presence of two important dimensions, "communication" and "promotion" . Certain marketing activities, such as personal selling, may be classified as either promotion or as part of the place (i.e., distributi